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API limit problem
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Hello, for some reason a lot of time i get limit API warning, my bot has bot flag on projects that i work in.

WARNING: API warning (wbgetentities): Too many values supplied for parameter "titles". The limit is 50.

I believe if the bot have bot flag the limit is 500.

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@matej_suchanek could this be the same issue you worked on for T161783

@Xaosflux My problem is a bit different, if the pages (titles) less than 50 it's work if more than 50 i get error

I believe if the bot have bot flag the limit is 500.

Do you have one?

Xqt triaged this task as Low priority.Mar 4 2018, 10:44 AM
Xqt subscribed.

@Xaosflux My problem is a bit different, if the pages (titles) less than 50 it's work if more than 50 i get error

Could you file this error please. The warning is a warning and shouldn't cause any failure.

@Xqt I mean" this WARNING: API warning (wbgetentities): Too many values supplied for parameter "titles". The limit is 50."
i know the warning well not crash the running but when i most get 500 titles i only get 50, this make my job not done.

I believe if the bot have bot flag the limit is 500.

Do you have one?

Yes i have one

Additional information is needed to figure out this issue: which script is running, what is the command line. Also result could help in this matter.

The problem was in the code currently the limit is 500, Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.