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[Spike 8 hours] Take an inventory of page issues that are mobile friendly
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In thinking about improving page issues for mobile, we would like to know which/how many ambox templates contain text marked as "hide when compact", which means they contain text that can be hidden on mobile. Ambox templates that contain this text would take up less space on small screens, and therefore would be easier to display on mobile.

Question we are trying to answer

  • How many ambox templates would be suitable to display on mobile with just css changes?
  • How does this vary by language?


👍 I think we're in pretty good shape.
I've taken an extensive inventory of "page issue" templates across a variety of languages using the mediaWiki API and this script. The script essentially parses templates that belong to a specific category. On English Wikipedia for example, it parses all the templates that are members of the category Category:Article message templates. The templates are then rendered in an HTML table with CSS added to see which can be made compact or not. A sum of the compact templates is also generated.

This method works for languages that actually have a category for all "page issues". Not all languages do, some only have more specific categories. Also, only the top-ten wikis were used in this report.


There were no hidable selectors found for templates from


Half of the top-ten Wikipedia had hidable elements, and the other half didn't. On the wikis that did have hidable elements, they were hidable for a majority of the templates.


This script which generated these tables.

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Event Timeline

Jdrewniak triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 7 2018, 4:23 PM
Jdrewniak created this task.
Jdrewniak renamed this task from [Spike 4 hours] Take an inventory of page issues that are mobile friendly to [Spike 8 hours] Take an inventory of page issues that are mobile friendly.Mar 7 2018, 6:39 PM

@Jdrewniak staging now shows page issues -
A simple browser around there should give you a sense of which templates need updates.

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Spike". · View Herald TranscriptNov 13 2021, 11:53 PM