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Send out call for membership renewal - Organisations
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Same as the parent T186214: Send out call for membership renewal but for our organisational members.

The main blocker is a slight tweak to the message to make it fit organisations (i.e. drop some of the GDPR content, rephrase so that samtycke is for details of the contact person).

Event Timeline

For generating user accounts we probably cannot use the fully automatic method since that relies on first names (and org name is stored in last name)

There are accounts for the organisations now. I have the account names and passwords.

It would probably be good to send this one out soonish before summer holidays start hitting the organisations.

I will start by finding out how many organizations need reminding.

I have a suggested text for organizations. Do we have a parameter for %orgnisation% in Zynatic?