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Make wikibase 1.31 base and bundle image
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Mediawiki version 1.31 (and therefore Wikibase version 1.31) has been released.
We currently do not have a docker image for it, but we should have one

  • The previous image directory can mostly be copied while updating various things.
  • the .travis/ in the directory should be updated to tag the image correctly with the new tags
  • the .travis/ for the image currently being built as "latest" should no longer tag that image as the latest (as it is no longer the latest)
  • the new image directory should be added to the main .travis.yml file
  • The image tag for mediawiki that is being used should be updated
  • The version of Wikibase that is being fetched should be updated
  • For the bundle image the versions of other extensions loaded should be updated.
  • The readme should be updated to include the details of the new tags
  • Anything else that might be missing from this list should be picked up in CR. Questions should probably be directed to @Tarrow and @Addshore

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Addshore renamed this task from Make mediawiki 1.31 base and bundle image to Make wikibase 1.31 base and bundle image.Jun 14 2018, 9:12 AM
Addshore subscribed.

I experimented with building a 1.31 image in a simplistic fashion ( but that relies on the zipped release from github, and as of 1.31 we're now relying on git submodules to get packages such as and (thanks to Jakob for the pointer!). Using the github zipped release results in the entity editing interface not giving the ability to add claims, and the browser console reveals JavaScript exceptions because the corresponding JS files can't be found.

We're using composer to install the PHP dependencies, perhaps we could use npm to install the JavaScript dependencies for the docker files?

Commit aca952fca15220e5bb39bad6fac76ec43c86be2f switches the fetch method to git and uses "git submodule update --init" to populate the required branches. Things seem to be working based on my early investigations!

Thanks for the patches! we will try to get this reviewed asap.

At this point I would recommend looking at - I started again from current master. Much cleaner.

Addshore lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Dec 18 2018, 2:39 PM

Changing to normal, I don't think this make sense to be high on the campsite.

From my side this is fine. @Addshore: I'll let you close it.