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Understand if ru.wikipedia main page changes had impact on mobile users
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Task Description
In T192612, community members updated the ru.m.wikipedia,org main page to a responsive design that makes search a clearer call to action on mobile phones.

What, if any, impact did this have on browsing behavior? Similar question to T191132.

Event Timeline

following up with @atgo for context and priority

atgo triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 19 2018, 9:12 PM

@JKatzWMF This is not super urgent, but would be useful to understand if these changes are worthwhile. Instinct says that they are, but we haven't seen it in the data.. possibly because the other place this has been done ( is small sample size.

A more general question, but do we have any indication of how people interact with the main page on mobile and if not do we have plans to investigate that? I'd hope most people want to engage with the content on the main page rather than use it as a jumping off point.

The Russian homepage is interesting as it is the first (to my knowledge) that displays the same content as desktop (most mobile main pages strip content from desktop). With TemplateStyles coming, it would be good to be able to guide editors on whether this is a good thing or not. Internal referrer traffic of this project compared to others might be a good thing to look at.

What, if any, impact did this have on browsing behavior? Similar question to T191354

That task was about the impact of the video campaign on search, not the impact of the Hindi main page changes. For the latter, there is T191132.

@atgo mentioned that replicating the queries from the previous analysis would be appropriate here. @atgo per @Tbayer's distinction above, can you confirm which of these tickets to use as a template?

@JKatzWMF I've corrected the description to have the correct task. Thanks Tilman.


A more general question, but do we have any indication of how people interact with the main page on mobile and if not do we have plans to investigate that? I'd hope most people want to engage with the content on the main page rather than use it as a jumping off point.

I'd like to know more here as well. The content on smaller languages is not as dynamic as it is on en and the other large ones. For example, has only had few dozen featured articles ever.

nshahquinn-wmf subscribed.

Looks we need to discuss this more in our Phab review meeting—it was in next up but no one is assigned.

Restricted Application changed the subtype of this task from "Deadline" to "Task". · View Herald TranscriptNov 1 2018, 4:06 PM

@atgo is this still something you want addressed? If so, what product/business decisions will the data drive (e.g. changes to ru or applying the changes elsewhere, etc).

(Leaving in triage pending answers to above; we'll check on status in next backlog review.)

@kzimmerman this can be low priority for now, pending start of product

kzimmerman lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Aug 2 2019, 6:26 PM
kzimmerman moved this task from Backlog to Icebox on the Product-Analytics board.

The Inuka Team has other priorities and does not have the capacity to investigate this.

If anyone else is interested in investigating, feel free to reopen and untag us 😊