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“Syncing will resume when internet available" should eventually disappear
Closed, ResolvedPublic


NOTE: @ABorbaWMF For this first version we will only be showing the no internet connection message after a user has typed into the search field and there is no 'try again' button.

F24103948 (I have no idea if you can see it on non-apple devices but anyway)

Version: 5.8.2 (1421) Beta

Download something into reading list, and enter airplane mode. When you start reading the articles in 'reading list', "Syncing will resume when internet available" never disappears. It just keep appearing despite manually removing it, just ignoring it, whatever I do or don't. I gave up reading because it was too annoying for me. So, this notice should disappear at some point.

NOTE: It looks like @JoeWalsh fixed the issue described above but in attempting to repro it I found some missing empty / error states

User story

As a user who has no internet access, I would like to see a more actionable message regarding my lack of internet access.


Searching while offlineReloading a synced article while offline
Search - No internet.png (1×750 px, 91 KB)
Article - no internet.png (1×750 px, 223 KB)

Design details

Searching while offline
This message would show even before a user begins typing and would not change regardless of what the user types. Tapping try again would refresh the screen.

In this case we should NOT show the user the toast message.

Reloading a synced article while offline
Currently when a user pulls down to refresh an article while offline, they receive a message that they are offline and the article which was previously loaded is replaced with a message saying that the article cannot be loaded, tapping 'back' then brings them to whatever screen they were on before they opened that article.

Instead of doing the behavior described above, the new behavior would be to show a user education overlay saying that they do not have an internet connection, but they can tap through the CTA to return to the last saved version.

In this case we should NOT show the user the toast message.

Event Timeline

JMinor triaged this task as Medium priority.Jul 30 2018, 6:45 PM
JMinor subscribed.

Also continues to alert even after disabling sync.

Testing with Wikipedia 6.0.1 (1483) app and iOS 11.2.2 (iPhone 7). I had no specific testing steps to follow to determine if this was still a common occurence (it would take exploratory testing probably). According to the video I'm sharing on Google Drive with @JMinor @JoeWalsh and @NHarateh_WMF it does still pop up at the beginning just once after I added my first reading list item, turned on airplane mode, and gone to Saved. It did not happen to me when opening and looking over a Saved article, or tapping links to sections of the article in the table of contents. Opening the Image Gallery has a different message "There's no internet connection" but the image still appears, it will appear every time the gallery is opened, but can be tapped closed.

JMinor added a subscriber: cmadeo.

Per our grooming conversation, I think this is improved but was still not a great user experience while travelling.

Some ideas:

  • Collapse multiple messages caused by lack of internet into a single message
  • Set a timeout so that if network that comes and goes intermittently (like while on a transit system) each disconnect doesn't trigger adiditonal alerts.

@cmadeo not urgent but something to think about for UX improvement...

Note from meeting:

  • Needs clearer repro steps
  • Driven by reading list sync, can we just suppress or stop those for a set time or not show the error unless sync fails multiple times

There's also a series of duplicated connection error dialogues that occur if you type into the search field with no connectivity.

I couldn't repro the behavior described in this ticket, but @JoeWalsh mentioned that he had done some work to stop showing the persistent alerts.

I added messaging options for two cases that currently have sub-optimal experiences while offline. If I was totally off base and missed something, let me know what and I'll pick this ticket up again.


LGoto added a subscriber: JoeWalsh.

@Mhurd this is looking really good! Would it be possible to remove the close 'x' from the reloading synced article alert?

Moving forward just to cover the close button fix in 6.2.1