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Unable to log in to Phabricator via MediaWiki on mobile (CSP error)
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Earlier today I tried to log in on Phabricator on mobile, but the button to log in via MediaWiki doesn't work. I tap it, and it turns gray (see attached screenshot), and then nothing happens. Logging in via LDAP worked, but logging in via MediaWiki should obviously work as well.

OS: Android 8.1.0
Browser: Chrome 67.0.3396.87

Screenshot_20180807-161947.png (1×1 px, 244 KB)

Event Timeline

I have this problem from inside the Gmail app (which uses Chrome under the hood when opening links in the app) but not from Firefox, so I would guess this is a Chrome problem on Android.

Im guessing this problem is the new anti vandalism stuff.

I can reproduce this on Chrome for iOS. I see a warning about CSP violations in the console.

Refused to send form data to '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "form-action 'self'".

Krinkle renamed this task from Unable to log in to Phabricator via MediaWiki on mobile to Unable to log in to Phabricator via MediaWiki on mobile (CSP error).Aug 8 2018, 12:33 AM

Im guessing this problem is the new anti vandalism stuff.

@Paladox: Please explain why you guess so technically speaking, assuming that you did not add random speculation to this task.

@Paladox: I'm fairly certain that it is not related to the anti-vandalism extension.

Oh sorry that I didn’t respond. Sorry that I was wrong or caused spam. Must be something else then?

Content Security Policy violation. Apparently it's because mediawiki redirects to and the phabricator form submit policy only allows

I'm going to mark this resolved because I believe the issue has been patched by rPHEX55ebacf7f022, please reopen if you are still seeing this issue.

I'm going to mark this resolved because I believe the issue has been patched by rPHEX55ebacf7f022, please reopen if you are still seeing this issue.

I can still reproduce the issue. Was the patch deployed?

  • Incognito window in Chrome, navigate to
  • Open Developer Tools, Toggle device toolbar, Refresh.
  • Click "Log in", then the "Log In or Register - MediaWiki" button.

Nothing happens. Console shows the CSP error.

Screen Shot 2018-08-13 at 23.50.33.png (1×1 px, 246 KB)

The fix was deployed last night and I'm not able to reproduce currently by following @Krinkle's instructions. I think it's really resolved now.