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Some property labels don't appear on beta
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When testing Senses, some property labels are not displayed, instead the Pnumber is displayed.
Example on L1-F3, L1-S4, the reference on L12-S1.

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Hey @WMDE-leszek, while testing stuff for Senses we encountered this weird bug. Could you have a look?

Looks like a bug of some sort, yes. Purging the cache wouldn't make the label show up.

I went ahead and looked at this for 2 mins.

Using and L1-S3 as an example
I noticed that the property P730 was pretty old, originally being created in 2014.
I edited the label and then it started appearing back on L1
I also changed it back and it continued dispalying on L1.

I assume this is just some really legacy stuff / beta problems and I don't think it is a bug with Wikibase ot WikibaseLexeme

I imagine the other 3 links are similar cases, but I have not checked myself.

Oh, this is missing terms in wb_terms table (Isn't this table lovely? <3) It needs running "rebuldTermSqlIndex.php" in beta cluster. I do it right now.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2018-08-21T10:37:31Z] <Amir1> ladsgroup@deployment-deploy01:~$ mwscript extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/rebuildTermSqlIndex.php --wiki=wikidatawiki --rebuild-all-terms (T202260)

Okay, the script has finished now, can you check and tell if still there are issues? (purge to make sure)

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