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Special:NewLexeme no longer supports passing lemma-language in the URL
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


For some languages, Special:NewLexeme requires entering the lemma language separately. Until a few weeks ago, it was possible to pass lemma-language as a URL parameter to Special:NewLexeme to prefill the form fields. Now the lemma-language parameter is ignored and the lexeme can't be added unless the user manually fills in that field. Other parameters still work.


It would be useful for this to work again, because then people can create links/bookmarks for common combinations.

Event Timeline

Addshore triaged this task as High priority.Oct 2 2018, 1:39 PM
Addshore added a subscriber: JeroenDeDauw.

Marking as high as it is a Regression

Ladsgroup added subscribers: Jakob_WMDE, Ladsgroup.

This was happening before the refactorings (I used an old version) and it's a frontend issue. When you apply it, the input element has the value of the language but it gets overridden by the language selector widget. Probably @Jakob_WMDE is better suited to take a look here.

Tarrow subscribed.

Since @Jakob_WMDE is now hiking on Termbox I'll pick this up and take a look. If I hit a wall I'll page him :)

Change 466942 had a related patch set uploaded (by Tarrow; owner: Tarrow):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Stop clearing lemma language code on Special:NewLexeme load

Change 466942 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseLexeme@master] Stop clearing lemma language code on Special:NewLexeme load

Hey @Nikki , this should be fixed on tomorrow. Let me know if you encounter other issues!