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As a user of the TOC I expect to be able to swipe the TOC closed after swiping it open
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Why are we doing this?

During user testing a user was confused by why the TOC had a swipe to open feature, but no swipe to close feature

User story

As a user of the TOC I expect to be able to swipe the TOC closed after swiping it open

Proposed solution

Enable gesture recognition such that the menu will close when user makes appropriate gesture.

Event Timeline

Charlotte set the point value for this task to 3.

Change 473650 had a related patch set uploaded (by Cooltey; owner: Cooltey):
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] [WIP] Swipe to close gesture for the ToC in PageActivity

Change 473650 merged by jenkins-bot:
[apps/android/wikipedia@master] Swipe to close gesture for the ToC in PageActivity

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Having some trouble with 2.7.265-alpha-2018-11-19

Swiping seems to work except after scrolling. If I swipe left to open the TOC and then scroll up/down, swiping right often does not close the TOC. I have also noticed that prolonged swiping open/close and scrolling of the TOC causes it to become less responsive. For example, the article ceases to scroll with the TOC.

Hi, @ABorbaWMF

Swiping seems to work except after scrolling. If I swipe left to open the TOC and then scroll up/down, swiping right often does not close the TOC.

The swiping gesture is only limited to the TOC view area, which means you need to do the "swipe to close" action on the TOC view.

If you were swiping outside the TOC view (for example, you use your right-hand thumb to "open" the TOC, and want to "close" the TOC by using left-hand thumb.), the close event will not be triggered by the gesture.

Do you think it would be better to have the entire view to listen to the gesture event?

I have also noticed that prolonged swiping open/close and scrolling of the TOC causes it to become less responsive. For example, the article ceases to scroll with the TOC.

I cannot reproduce it on my device...

@cooltey - [never mind, have talked about this with Dmitry. let's leave as-is]

@ABorbaWMF - Can you give a bit more detail about the lack of responsiveness, or perhaps post a video if you can reproduce?

I am having some trouble uploading videos directly onto Phab. Here is a link to a short video from a Huawei Honor 6 - Android 7

It's mainly a responsiveness feeling. I can reproduce it on other devices as well (Moto X - Android 5.1 for example)

Thanks for providing the demo video, @ABorbaWMF.

It looks like you were not doing the "Swipe to close" gesture from the ToC view area, which will not trigger the event.

(Please try to do the action inside the red rectangle area)

Screenshot at Nov 26 13-51-24.png (1×644 px, 253 KB)