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Migrate wikibase-registry to version 1.35 (LTS) of wikibase
Closed, DeclinedPublic


The Wikibase registry is currently running version 1.32 which EOLed quite some time ago. We should update this to 1.35 which is the new LTS version now!

Event Timeline

Addshore triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 14 2019, 3:46 PM
Addshore created this task.
Addshore moved this task from incoming to ready to go on the Wikidata board.

The registry now runs 1.32.5 (not .6), but should probably be running 1.35, or even 1.36 (but with the risk of going unsupported again). PHP 7.2.26 may need an upgrade to PHP 7.3 (or possibly 8.0).

Thinking more generally: perhaps this should be transferred to the rolling release team? I don't know how feasible that is if it's not a WMF thing vs. WMDE, but at a glance it seems like WMDE doesn't actually maintain all that many standalone MediaWiki instances, let alone Wikibase instances. Or maybe it'd make sense to move it (and other WMDE wikis?) to wbstack - or a successor project?

There was some discussion of moving the wbregistry to wbstack.
Seems like it might make sense, though would need a domain change!

There was some discussion of moving the wbregistry to wbstack.
Seems like it might make sense, though would need a domain change!

Changing the domain name is not an issue as long as an redirect from to wherever on wbstack is assured. Also the domain on wbstack should somehow include wikibase-registry I believe.

Now that MW 1.31 is basically EOL the website should best be migrated to MW 1.35. I will change the task description accordingly.

@Addshore When do you think will the migration be done. Will be cool to have one soon.

Kghbln renamed this task from Migrate wikibase-registry to version 1.31 / LTS of wikibase to Migrate wikibase-registry to version 1.35 (LTS) of wikibase.Aug 31 2021, 10:18 AM
Kghbln updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kghbln lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.Sep 7 2021, 9:21 AM

Changing this to a realistic priority.

Harej subscribed.

Wikibase Registry has been closed in favor of hosted on Wikibase.Cloud.