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Update the data model to allow translations by different users for the same topic and languages
Closed, InvalidPublic


As part of the work to allow multiple users to translate the same topic (T86151), we need to update the Content translation data model to support it.

As the result of this change:

  • A user will be able to start a translation for a page, even if some other users have in-progress translations for that page and the same languages. For example, both Cronopio and Fama can start translating "Cupcake" from English to Spanish.
  • A user won't be able to have more than one in-progress translation for the same topic and languages. For example, if Cronopio starts a translation for Cupcake from English to Spanish and later tries to start a new translation for such article again, the result will be to continue the earlier in-progress translation (instead of starting a new one).
  • A user will be able to start a new translation again even if the user previously published that same translation (this scenario is covered in T192065). For example, if Cronopio published a translation for Cupcake from English to Spanish, and tries to start the same translation again, a new translation will be started from scratch. Note that it should still be possible to continue the existing translation by clicking the pencil from the "published" translations list.

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 22 2019, 4:30 PM
Pginer-WMF created this task.
Pginer-WMF claimed this task.

The main limitation for translating an article that someone else started was removed in T298244: Remove technical limit that prevents different users to translate the same topic. Now there is just a 24h block time for a topic someone else started. This seems to be providing a good balance between preventing to step on each others toes and avoiding articles to get blocked for long periods of time. With this, the current ticket may no longer be needed.

The remaining part has its own separate ticket: T192065: Starting a new translation is loading contents from a previously deleted one

Pginer-WMF changed the task status from Resolved to Invalid.Jun 28 2022, 1:28 PM