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Cancel doesn't work as expected
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When clicking on the edit button, I am confronted with a dialogue which asks me to accept the terms of the CCO licence. Clicking on cancel should ideally prevent me from editing the caption since I didn't accept the licence.

The cancel button does not do anything of that sort, instead it just dismisses the dialogue and allows me to make the edit despite having not accepted to release the contribution under the required licence.

Event Timeline

Ramsey-WMF triaged this task as Low priority.
Ramsey-WMF subscribed.

Exploring a change in the button structure to a single "acknowledge" button, pending approval by legal.

WMF Legal informs us that the new single button must say, "I agree"

Change 495685 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ha78na; owner: Ha78na):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] CC0 License acceptance uses single 'I agree' button

Change 495685 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikibaseMediaInfo@master] CC0 License acceptance uses single 'I agree' button