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Ability to disable user-specific SSR
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


In order to allow for smooth deployment and easier debugging it would be beneficial to be able to control in which scenarios requests against the newly introduced SSR service are performed. This is particularly important as results of the requests for user-specific termbox markup are not cached/hardly cachable.


Event Timeline

Lea_WMDE set the point value for this task to 5.Mar 13 2019, 4:08 PM

Users with specialized data are not cached. If we need to reduce the number of requests, not ever sending SSR requests in those cases (i.e. showing nothing), but forcing users to wait for the client side action to kick in would be an option.
If we don't have this, and run into problems with the number of requests, the only way to reduce the number of requests would be disabling the new termbox functionality completely, falling back to the current state.

Change 508991 had a related patch set uploaded (by Matthias Geisler; owner: Matthias Geisler):
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Get ability to disable user-specific SSR

Change 508991 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase@master] Get ability to disable user-specific SSR