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Increase musical notation datatype string length limit to 1500 characters
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See The replacement of the current LilyPond property (which uses the string datatype) may necessitate an increase in maximum string length for the musical notation datatype. The current limit for the datatype is 400 characters, but there is at least one existing value which is longer.

There may, of course, be licensing issues (as noted in the linked discussion). However, I don't think it should be overly concerning: normal wiki pages (obviously) don't have similar length limits for content; and copy-and-paste copyright infringement should be more difficult than with other properties, because the user needs to either deliberately find a non-CC0 LilyPond source file or be able to write valid LilyPond syntax.

Event Timeline

As an example, I tried removing as many spaces as possible from the score at Wikidata:Property proposal/quotation or excerpt (music). I got it down to 387 characters, but the score comprises just 5.33 bars of Für Elise. A higher limit would almost certainly be needed for many PD scores (particularly those with more than one staff and those with lyrics).

1h3qwwjh.png (142×720 px, 10 KB)

Change 500451 had a related patch set uploaded (by Greta WMDE; owner: Greta Doçi):
[mediawiki/extensions/Score@master] Increase musical notation datatype string length limit

Change 500692 had a related patch set uploaded (by Greta WMDE; owner: Greta Doçi):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Increase musical notation datatype string length limit

Change 500451 abandoned by Greta WMDE:
Increase musical notation datatype string length limit

New change: Change-Id: I22282cc92e6f1bc28c6caa0fcbb7f8bf02b34640

Change 500692 merged by jenkins-bot:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Increase musical notation datatype string length limit