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Progress bar in the translation dashboard not representing accurately the percentage of machine translation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The translation dashboard in Content translation shows the percentage of progress for in-progress translations. When hovering over, a tooltip shows the percentage of the source article that has been translated, and the percentage of machine translation used. The percentage of machine translation used currently is not reliable.

If you start a translation, add 2 paragraphs with machine translation, delete one word of each paragraph, and go back to the dashboard. The tooltip shows 0% of machine translation, which should not be the case:

Screenshot 2019-05-09 at 12.40.00.png (451×932 px, 94 KB)

I repeated the test without deleting any content, and it was correctly showing 100% of MT, which is the expected result.

The issue seems related to the old way of calculating the percentage of machine translation, and should be updated to be aligned with the approach we use in T221930.

Event Timeline

Petar.petkovic renamed this task from Progress bar in the translation dashboard not representing accurately the percentage fo machine translation to Progress bar in the translation dashboard not representing accurately the percentage of machine translation.May 9 2019, 8:23 PM

Change 512777 had a related patch set uploaded (by Petar.petkovic; owner: Petar.petkovic):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Change the way progress is calculated

Change 512777 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Change the way progress is calculated

Etonkovidova subscribed.

Checked in cx2-testing - the progress bar calculates the percentage of MT correctly (the case described in the ticket was checked too).