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Being unable to copy punctuation characters (defined in CSS) on certain special pages makes it harder to paste to text editor
Open, Needs TriagePublic


@DoRD reports (

There is still a problem here. The patch caused the punctuation characters to be displayed again, but the characters cannot be selected in a browser. I haven't tested every browser, but on MacOS at least, this affects both Chrome and Firefox. In most cases, this isn't a problem, however for CheckUsers, it may be an issue.

When investigating complex sockpuppetry cases, I frequently copy/paste CU data into a text editor to make it easier to correctly format the results of the investigation for posting on-wiki. As it stands now, copying the data leaves out the parenthesis and pipe characters, so for this purpose, the fix didn't work. Please see the attached screenshots. [edit] The reason that the parens, etc., are needed for this purpose is because I use regex to find the username, and the first parens is what I search for.

Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 8.55.18 AM.png (48×1 px, 35 KB)

Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 8.04.25 AM.png (48×934 px, 17 KB)

@Xaosflux says:

List users does it as well, for example:

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Is this something a gadget could help with?

If CSV is the desired output, this actually makes things easier. Try the following code out (although note there is an outstanding issue with T223872) :

$('#bodyContent ul li > *').each((i,n)=>{$(n).removeAttr('class');$('<span>|</span>').insertAfter(n)})

At least for me, CSV is not the desired output for CU data, as I normally want to paste it into wiki markup, and then I end up having to fill in the separators. As far as I understood from the other ticket, those separators are now displayed via CSS, so this could be the reason it's not selecting.

This is the same on history pages. Copied entries lack the parenthesis and require manual editing.

Aklapper renamed this task from Being unable to copy/paste punctuation characters on certain special pages (CheckUser) makes it harder to copy and paste to text editor to Being unable to copy punctuation characters (defined in CSS) on certain special pages makes it harder to paste to text editor.Feb 6 2020, 12:32 PM
Aklapper added a subscriber: DoRD.

At least for me, CSV is not the desired output for CU data, as I normally want to paste it into wiki markup, and then I end up having to fill in the separators. As far as I understood from the other ticket, those separators are now displayed via CSS, so this could be the reason it's not selecting.

It sounds like this page would benefit from an explicit export to wikitext option. Would that satisfy your needs?