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Special:Manage_Two-factor_authentication looks odd
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On Special:Manage_Two-factor_authentication on my dev wiki... Looks odd, presumably because the only available method is enabled?

Screenshot 2019-06-18 at 21.42.04.png (734×840 px, 66 KB)

Screenshot 2019-06-18 at 21.45.14.png (568×774 px, 53 KB)

There should be some message under "available methods" (potentially depending if there are any actual methods - "all enabled auth methods are enabled" or "no more auth methods can be enabled) or else not show the section with no other methods... Basically, the "available methods" heading shouldn't have nothing under it

Event Timeline

This is fixed in L124
Whole section is not added if its empty.
It could have regressed in later commits, i will pay attention to this as commits get merged

The whole UI has a lot of room to improve, so all suggestions on how to make it better are welcome

Reedy assigned this task to ItSpiderman.

This is fixed in L124
Whole section is not added if its empty.
It could have regressed in later commits, i will pay attention to this as commits get merged

The whole UI has a lot of room to improve, so all suggestions on how to make it better are welcome

Confirmed and merged