In T225617 and T226532, we try to make remote API calls to modify or delete the source file in the user's name. If these edits fail, we'll fall back to the "manually add the template" instructions. The question to be answered in this task is, do we want to show messaging when these requested edits fail and how should that look to the user?
One proposal which is easy to implement, is to show a green success box saying that the edit completed, and below it show a yellow warning box with the failure message. I believe this is a nice order of display because the most important information is that the import was successful. The warning is secondary. In this scenario, we should be careful that the warning message doesn't make reference to the "instructions above", the reading flow should be linear. For example:
Another proposal is to modify the success message to express the nuanced result conditions.
A third alternative is to show the success and error paragraphs, but all within a green box.