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server-cache did neither update on uploading nor with ?action=purge
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


As reported on that is an old image that wasn't updated also the file got reuploaded three times (with minor changes and two different users). I tried yesterday twice ?action=purge, without success.
Between the three uploads I uploaded it to without any obvious problems (but here the default preview-size changed).

Side note: The original SVG failed to render on but the three reuploads were rendered by Commons:Commons_SVG_Checker

For new preview-sizes Wikimedia needs some rendering-time, for available preview-sizes it takes the carched one.
What happens if someone presses ?action=purge? Which preview-sizes were imediatly rendered? (Can that result in an overload?) What is the maximal processing time? Is there a CPU-Time-limit or a real-time-limit, because failures seems to be quite random after approxmiatly 2 real-time-seconds.

Is there a reduction of time-limit for high-traffic users? Because if I do many demanding requests get T226318 .

Event Timeline

CDanis triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 16 2019, 1:01 PM
BBlack subscribed.

The swap of Traffic for Traffic-Icebox in this ticket's set of tags was based on a bulk action for all such tickets that haven't been updated in 6 months or more. This does not imply any human judgement about the validity or importance of the task, and is simply the first step in a larger task cleanup effort. Further manual triage and/or requests for updates will happen this month for all such tickets. For more detail, have a look at the extended explanation on the main page of Traffic-Icebox . Thank you!

Umherirrender subscribed.

There was a recent improvement of thumbnails purge for similiar reasons on T331138.

For me the thumb looks fixed, but all versions of are very similiar in the history.

Please revisit the thumb, maybe this can be marked fixed (due to the time sine 2019) or marking as duplicate

@Umherirrender ; You have to compare the PNG not the SVG, because the rendering has several rendering librsvg-bugs

20190719151219 Glrx
Transit_timetable.svg.png (362×759 px, 16 KB)
20190719151217 Glrx
20190719151217!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 14 KB)
20190718222359 Glrx
20190718222359!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 17 KB)
20190718172926 JoKalliauer
20190718172926!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 19 KB)
20190717211718 JoKalliauer
20190717211718!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 17 KB)
20190717205007 SVGWorkaroundBot
20190717205007!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 19 KB)
20190717204757 Sushant savla
20190717204757!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 19 KB)
20190717163030 Sushant savla
20190717163030!Transit_timetable.svg.png (363×759 px, 19 KB)

PS the current rendering on looks on my browser like this:

Screenshot 2023-04-19 at 18-09-12 Commons Help desk_Archive_2019_07 – Wikimedia Commons.png (362×1 px, 77 KB)

which is still weird.

@Umherirrender ; You have to compare the PNG not the SVG, because the rendering has several rendering librsvg-bugs

I have understand that this bug is about the thumbs not regenerated after purge/reupload and have looked at
I cannot tell if the 759px thumb looks as it is from the last image or from older version of the image.

This bug is not about svg rendering, there are some other bugs, maybe this problem is already reported or should be reported as a new bug

JoKalliauer claimed this task.
JoKalliauer lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.

I think it is diffciult to reproduce it now, and this image is related to other rendering-bugs, therefore based on the comment by @Umherirrender in T228433#8794434 I close it as Resolved.

Feel free to re-open it or "Change Status" to "invalid".