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I want to see the recent editing activity level as a spark line
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Why are we doing this?

As we work on updating the history and diff pages, we would like to make it easier for users to be able to tell how active editing on an article is.

User story

As a curating reader or a contributor I want to see the recent editing activity level as a spark line so that I have a quick understanding of how an article has changed over time.

Design details

Design principles
  1. Glanceable: The spark line should illustrate an overall trend or pulse of editing activity on an article, rather than specific measurements
  2. Tailored: Rather than creating a 'one-size-fits-all' graph for all articles of all ages, we should tailor the axes measurements based on the specific editing history of the article at hand.
Defining the X and Y axes

X axis
Time as represented in months with a span of one year (as is available from the API)

Y axis
Number of edits with the top of the Y axis defined by the maximum number of edits that had occurred in the articles defined time period (eg. if there were 500 one month the Y axis would be 600).

Empty states
  • If there is no editing data or not enough editing data to chart, do not show the graph


  • Should we make the graph clickable so that users can see more granular information about the graph and article?
  • Should we label the axes?

Event Timeline

JMinor renamed this task from Sparkline to I want to see the recent editing activity level as a sparkline.Jul 23 2019, 9:10 PM
JMinor triaged this task as Low priority.
cmadeo renamed this task from I want to see the recent editing activity level as a sparkline to I want to see the recent editing activity level as a spark line.Oct 7 2019, 6:32 PM
cmadeo updated the task description. (Show Details)

@NHarateh_WMF and @JMinor is this enough detail to move this ticket forward or would mocks of different states and rates be helpful?

It's enough detail for me - one thing I forgot to mention is that the API offers only daily/monthly granularity as of now :(

This is what it looks like right now (monthly, 1 year) (edits count off cause it's coming from a local wiki page)

header.png (502×824 px, 56 KB)

@NHarateh_WMF looking good! Okay I'll update the requirements based on what's available and move it over to needs acceptance criteria then.

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

The background grid is a bit difficult to see on the Sepia theme

IMG_7C9D6925EF3A-1.jpeg (2×2 px, 996 KB)

thanks for the screenshot @ABorbaWMF! The centered headers seem off too - I added that as a bullet point to the punch list ticket - T237314

cmadeo added a subscriber: Tsevener.

Added this to the punch list but @Tsevener and @NHarateh_WMF everything is looking good except for the grid color on sepia (as also noted by @ABorbaWMF) could we use #CBC8C1 "Kraft" for the grid?

JMinor awarded a token.