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[EPIC] Fix the various longstanding bugs in the lazy loaded image formatter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The lazy loading image feature has been neglected over the course of the last year and we have several bugs (listed) that should be looked at. All bugs have estimates - we just need to work out when to do them.

Acceptance criteria

This task is resolved when

  • All subtasks have been resolved.

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Event Timeline

Jdlrobson renamed this task from [Tracking] Fix the various longstanding bugs in the lazy loaded image formatter to [EPIC] Fix the various longstanding bugs in the lazy loaded image formatter.Aug 5 2019, 2:54 PM

Per our conversation today in our 1-on-1 there are 4 subtasks on this that need prioritisation. I'd like to wrap up this work before we start new adventures such as desktop refresh so these don't linger any more.

Should be able to close this out soon given recent work.

Closing this out since only one task remains -> T197188