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Sentence pair highlighting broken
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The fix for T220495: Content copied from Content Translation into Visual Editor exposes internal attributes caused a regression. Since clipboard mode html convertion of modesl will not have sentnce segments, and since that HTML is used for MT, we no longer has sentence annotations in translated html. So there is no pair in source and target columns, there is no highlighting

image.png (226×1 px, 57 KB)

Event Timeline

Change 528406 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh; owner: Santhosh):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Revert "Don't generate HTML for segments when copying"

Change 528406 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Revert "Don't generate HTML for segments when copying"

Change 528471 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; owner: Esanders):
[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] Re-apply "Don't generate HTML for segments when copying"

is this in production?
I don't see it

Petar.petkovic subscribed.

is this in production?
I don't see it

Revert for faulty code ended up in production, while another patch listed in comments of this ticket didn't make it into production. However, that other patch actually fixes T220495, not broken sentence highlight, and was wrongly linked to this ticket.

Therefore, you should see sentence highlight in production.

Is that new translation started after 1.34.0-wmf.17 is deployed? Have you seen the problem during first session or after loading the draft? Did you try with unmodified MT or you edited the text? Could you try with another example, started from scratch?

I did try twice in production, with different articles from English to Serbian, with initial session and after loading draft, and sentence highlight is there.

Using production wikis:


  • loading existing translation - doesn't show highlighting
  • creating new translation - doesn't show highlighting

Using different language pair with the same Tensor product (en to ca )

  • loading existing translation - doesn't show highlighting
  • creating new translation - doesn't show highlighting

Using any different article with math formulas:

  • loading existing translation - doesn't show highlighting
  • creating new translation - doesn't show highlighting

Conclusion: it doesn't matter the MT engine nor the language, any article that has math formulas doesn't have highlighting available

Conclusion: it doesn't matter the MT engine nor the language, any article that has math formulas doesn't have highlighting available

Okay, I have tried en:Equation of time to Serbian, in production, since that article has math formulas and I was able to reproduce the problem.