We are curious to know the number of distinct junior contributors [1] contributing to talk pages and how that number has changed over time.
This information will be helpful for us in establishing a baseline for one of the key results for the project: Increasing the number of junior contributors participating in conversations on talk pages by 5%. [2]
- A table that compares the number of distinct "junior contributors" who have contributed to a talk page in the past 30 days and the number of distinct "junior contributors" who contributed to talk pages in a similar 30-day window, 18 months ago.
- Time series chart showing the year-over-year variation in the distinct number of "junior contributors" who have contributed to a talk page from August 2014 - August 2019
- Expand analysis to look at number of distinct contributors by experience level and by wikipedia to help inform selection of target wikis
- Proportion of distinct contributors participating on talk pages each month (calculated by dividing by the overall number of distinct contributors each month for each wiki).
- Junior contributor: A contributor who has made <100 cumulative edits.
- Our current placeholder is a 5% increase over the lifespan of the project which we're currently estimating to be 18 months