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User scripts that override the color of icons cause link text to partially appear over icons in mobile view
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When viewing a Wikipedia page using the advanced mobile editor, the edit, (un)watch, and notification icons all have a letter overtop of them. The letters seem related to the link text, a "U..." appears over the unwatch button (blue star), and "E..." appears over the edit button (pencil), etc. These do not interfere with using the links.

I encountered this bug on a phone running Android 10

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I cannot reproduce this on Android phone. There was a regression similar to what you described (T240644) but that one is on non-AMC mode and affects only the logout button.

Screenshot_20191213-040752.png (1×720 px, 160 KB)

So it seems related to my custom css (w:User:Wugapodes/minerva.css), however it only changes link colors and was working yesterday. Has the interface been edited to add the "visited" class?

Screenshot_20191212-194205.png (2×1 px, 405 KB)

Masumrezarock100 renamed this task from Link text appears over icons in mobile view to Link text partially appears over icons in mobile view.Dec 13 2019, 4:30 AM

I am experiencing the same problem but only for the Contributors link. If I go to, I see

Screenshot_20191213-095536.png (960×480 px, 99 KB)

If I zoom in
Screenshot_20191213-095543.png (960×480 px, 31 KB)

Notice the partial view of the C alphabet. Checking my screen size using shows that my screen size is 600 x 1080. This issue resolves and I see both label and icon a if I switch to landscape orientation (which I usually use when editing via mobile). For the record, this has been happening since both labels and icons started to show up in wide-screen devices/tablets.

Jdlrobson renamed this task from Link text partially appears over icons in mobile view to User scripts that override the color of icons cause link text to partially appear over icons in mobile view.Dec 13 2019, 6:30 PM
Jdlrobson added a subscriber: Jdrewniak.

@Wugapodes the color change is likely to cause problems yes you'll want to add an additional rule { color: transparent; }

. cc @Jdrewniak

I don't see the issue I was experiencing anymore (The partial view of contributions label). It has been solved in T240644: Regression: Label is visible on Logout button for logged in users on all wikis (non-AMC) and contribution icon on user page.

TheDJ claimed this task.