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Remove DeepCat gadget on Wikipedia(s)
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


We will sunset CatGraph and DeepCat end of January 2020.

Since it's currently not working for some time already we should remove it directly from and on other wikis using it.

See also T243543: Archive DeepCat and CatGraph related code and boards

Event Timeline

Note, that changes here should not be deployed before end of January ^^'

Uh, why? Isn't the gadget obsolete ever since the deepcategory: feature exists? I believe it does make sense to start showing a deprecation warning now, before the Catgraph servers are actually gone.

Uh, why? Isn't the gadget obsolete ever since the deepcategory: feature exists? I believe it does make sense to start showing a deprecation warning now, before the Catgraph servers are actually gone.

Yeah good point, I just looked at it and the catgraph servers cannot be reached anyways from the gadget atm it seems. So it's not working for some time now already. Adding a deprecation warning now and then shutting it down at the end of the month makes sense. - I think in my original comment I just thought about shutting it down right away....

If it's broken anyway, we can straight away pull the plug. Showing an alert() or something similar is rather pointless if there is nothing the user can do, except disabling the gadget. We are able to do this for the users by removing it from Some users will still have a boolean flag in their configuration, but this flag won't do anything anymore.

If this is done, all these sub-pages can be deleted:

WMDE-Fisch renamed this task from Edit DeepCat gadget on Wikipedia(s) to display a warning message to Remove DeepCat gadget on Wikipedia(s).Jan 23 2020, 6:43 PM
WMDE-Fisch updated the task description. (Show Details)

I requested the removal from de.wikipedia and commons where the gadget was made available. I also checked for other wikis looking at the usage data, but there seems to be none. Waiting for the admins to take action now.

DeepCat is now removed from Commons.

thiemowmde moved this task from Review to Done on the WMDE-QWERTY-Sprint-2020-01-21 board.

Deleted on German Wikipedia as well.