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Add width (e.g. 500px or 80%) and alignment (Left/Center/Right) parameters to "Table properties" dialog in VisualEditor
Open, Needs TriagePublic

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 567510 had a related patch set uploaded (by Edward Chernenko; owner: Edward Chernenko):
[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@master] Add "width" and "alignment" fields to the Table dialog

JTannerWMF added a project: Editing-team.
JTannerWMF subscribed.

Thank you for your work on this patch, we can not prioritize it at this time.

Change 722402 had a related patch set uploaded (by Pastakhov; author: Edward Chernenko):

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@REL1_35] Add \"width\" and \"alignment\" fields to the Table dialog

FYI, this was brought up here, demonstrating continued interest in the feature from newcomers.

I don't know. VisualEditor is maintained by WMF's Editing team:

@Whatamidoing-WMF appears to be the community relations person for that team; could you point us to the right person to ask about this?

Change 722402 abandoned by Umherirrender:

[mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor@REL1_35] Add "width" and "alignment" fields to the Table dialog


Release 1.35 is EOL -

Is there a chance the patch will be reviewed?

@Whatamidoing-WMF appears to be the community relations person for that team; could you point us to the right person to ask about this?

Looks like it may be @Trizek-WMF now?

You are right, I'm the new person in charge.

My first thought after checking on the task is: how this change would impact all our users.
We have so many configurations out there, starting with more or less large monitors for desktop view to mobile view that adding fixed or proportional values will not fit all screens. We have users who truthfully believe that what they set for "their" page (sometimes very precisely) will be nice for everyone.

I know that the current situation is not optimal on mobile views, but forcing large widths will not improve the problem.

Setting a left or right value will also impact narrow screens if no breaking points are provided (case of a narrow column of text on the side of the table).

@Trizek-WMF, oops, apologies, it seems I misread the task. It appears this one is about adjusting the entire table. That'd maybe be nice to have eventually, but I share your concern that we don't want to encourage bad usability practices.

What I thought this was (and what actually appears to be T103276) is aligning text within an individual cell. That situation is much more common, and comes up all the time when we want to e.g. left-justify cells in a column for names, right-justify a column for numbers, and center-justify a column for references. Would there be much hope of that being worked on in the not-distant future? (Feel free to reply at the other task to avoid cluttering this one.)

There is no priority on tables, so if you find a volunteer to work on T103276: Provide a way to align/justify the contents of a table cell -- a feature that doesn't seem to pose any bad usability problems -- they are very welcome!

I see how fixed size values could cause unwanted display in various devices. But what would be the drawbacks of allowing relative values ? For example, having a two columns set with 50%/50% ratio or 25% / 75% seems to me rather adapative.
And I think the ability to have centered tables would enable, in many, cases, more nice looking pages while remaining adaptative.