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Give access to Wikistats 2 to l10n-bot
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please check and grant the following access rights to the analytics/wikistats2 repo:

  • l10n-bot group: CR+2
  • l10n-bot-watcher group: V+2, Submit, Abandon, Remove reviewer

Event Timeline

Change 573970 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; owner: MarcoAurelio):
[analytics/wikistats2@refs/meta/config] Allow L10n-Bot to commit translation updates

Change 573971 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; owner: MarcoAurelio):
[integration/config@master] zuul: Allow l10n on analytics/wikistats2

MarcoAurelio changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Feb 21 2020, 10:58 AM

We'll need to add wikistats2 to first otherwise the above patches won't do anything.

Change 573971 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] zuul: Allow l10n on analytics/wikistats2

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2020-02-21T23:27:16Z] <James_F> Zuul: Allow l10n on analytics/wikistats2 for T245805

Milimetric subscribed.

Is this done or are there additional steps?

Is this done or are there additional steps?

Hello @Milimetric needs to be merged/submitted; but only Analytics people can submit to the repo. Thanks.

Change 573970 merged by Fdans:
[analytics/wikistats2@refs/meta/config] Allow L10n-Bot to commit translation updates

@MarcoAurelio - Currently patches submitted by the l10n-bot ( still require a manual CR+2 by someone from the analytics team, is this the intended behavior? If so we can close this task.

@abi_ thank you for all the help with this. I'm not sure how it works in other projects, but manually merging every patch seems prone to problems. Is it possible for the patches to be self-merged by i10n-bot?

If so we can close this task.

To clarify, I meant T240621: Add to

@abi_ thank you for all the help with this. I'm not sure how it works in other projects, but manually merging every patch seems prone to problems. Is it possible for the patches to be self-merged by i10n-bot?

No that should not be the case, not sure what the problem is here. Wondering if we should reopen this task.

@MarcoAurelio - Currently patches submitted by the l10n-bot ( still require a manual CR+2 by someone from the analytics team, is this the intended behavior? If so we can close this task.

@abi_ No, that is not intended and I'm not sure why some repos are failing. As you can see at,access the repo accesses are right, and the repo inherits further permissions from,access which do not conflict with the specific repo config. The extension is currently rightly configured at CI as well as seen in I think the issue here is that repoconfig.yaml is not set to auto-merge - we could try to change that there and see if future exports do fail as well. See also T245141.

Change 576386 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; owner: MarcoAurelio):
[translatewiki@master] wikistats2: Enable auto-merge

Reopening due to new patch for review.

Change 576386 merged by jenkins-bot:
[translatewiki@master] repoconfig: Enable auto-merge for wikistats2

Thanks @MarcoAurelio, that seems like the likely cause. I've deployed the patch, exports will be run tomorrow. Will update the task at that time.