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Investigate challenge counting tools for WikiGap and other challenges
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As per T246740: "It would be great if the three (Alicia, Josefine, Eric) of you could take a look at how we want to tackle this for future events of a similar style (Challanges rather then edit-a-thons). That can be broken out as a separate task but the conclusion above makes it clear that the Dashboard is not the solution and I don't want to resolve this without knowing alternative will be investigated."

Event Timeline

Eric_Luth_WMSE raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Feb 1 2021, 4:59 PM

Meeting held with @Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE @JosefineHellrothLarssonWMSE and @AxelPettersson_WMSE . Conclusion: no counting tool works well for WikiGap Challenge, and we will continue with the manual version we have used.

Jopparn moved this task from Backlog to Done on the User-JosefineHellrothLarssonWMSE board.
Jopparn moved this task from 🗃️ Inbox to ☑️ Done on the User-Alicia_Fagerving_WMSE board.