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Wikidata information and interwiki information are discordant for en:Template:Rhythm_and_meter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


On you will see that the interwiki link to fawiki is to the page title الگو:عناصر موسیقی

This is incompatible with the Wikidata entry for that enwiki page:

Of note, الگو:عناصر موسیقی on fawiki is a redirect page with its target, الگو:ریتم و متر being the page listed on Wikidata.

It seems like when the page was moved on April 15th, its data was not correctly updated on Wikidata. (Could this have to do with the recovery from T249565?)

No matter what the root cause is, I cannot fix this on Wikidata either. I even removed the fawiki entry and added it again, but that did not fix the issue on enwiki.

Event Timeline

action=purge and forcelinksupdate on the English article didn't work either, even editing the page in enwiki didn't solve the issue.

Wikidata has the correct value in the table:

MariaDB [wikidatawiki_p]> select * from wb_items_per_site where ips_item_id = 17467119;
| ips_row_id | ips_item_id | ips_site_id | ips_site_page               |
|  547074588 |    17467119 | enwiki      | Template:Rhythm and meter   |
|  591999227 |    17467119 | fawiki      | الگو:ریتم و متر             |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

@Addshore They are not the same.

Yup, sorry, already reopened it! :)

The link was in the source of, which is transcluded in the documentation of Template:Rhythm_and_meter.

Ladsgroup assigned this task to Peter_James.

Oh thanks!