In T249596: Rebuild wb_items_per_site, after incident where wb_items_per_site was dropped specifically T249596#6036182 it was noticed that the script would fail for redirects.
The cases we probably need to account for are:
- redirects (as the code can not add or update the site store for these items)
- deletions (TO BE CONFIRMED) these items will have been in the rebuild list, but what would the script do in that situation?
This means that we have not fixed data in the table for redirects that were created during the last 14 hours.
These redirects that no longer have sitelinks, will still have sitelinks in the wb_items_per_site table when they should not.
We need to:
- delete the rows that shouldn't be there because items were deleted during the outage time
- generate a list of items that changed since the outage started (so we don't have to run the rebuild over everything)
- run the rebuild script over those items only
- wherever it fails = something else that still needs fixing and we can provide this list to the community