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Update and improve PAWS documentation on Wikitech
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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May 27 2020, 3:31 PM
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"Love" token, awarded by Pavithraes."Love" token, awarded by srishakatux."Love" token, awarded by Quiddity."Love" token, awarded by Chicocvenancio.


Background: PAWS Kubernetes is currently undergoing an upgrade:, which makes this a good time to revisit documentation.

A cursory audit of PAWs documentation on Wikitech, Mediawiki, and Metawiki included the following pages and links:

Note: This is an initial audit. There may be more relevant pages that could be included in this ticket.

These pages should be evaluated for relevancy, updated/improved, and combined where necessary. We should also determine whether any new pages or visualizations should be included in the documentation.

PAWS documentation is on both Wikitech and Mediawiki. This could make user navigation difficult, and it may also mean that information is duplicated or different depending on the venue. We should think about the impact this could have and may want to consider consolidating the documentation in one place.

Event Timeline

Assuming this is about PAWS hence adding corresponding tag. Also see existing open PAWS documentation tasks to avoid duplication of efforts.

srodlund renamed this task from Update and improve PAWS documentation on Wikitech and Toolforge to Update and improve PAWS documentation on Wikitech.Jun 23 2020, 8:21 PM
srodlund updated the task description. (Show Details)
srodlund claimed this task.

@srodlund: Hmm, this task was resolved three months ago. Should this task be reopened per last comment? Or was the comment meant for T261585 instead?

@Aklapper Ahh, yes. I made a mistake. I will put it there.