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New logo for Paytm
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We are using the wrong logo for Paytm on our payment pages according to Paytm. Given we are in a live campaign, can we prioritize updating this? Note: we previously looked to update the logo but it seemed we were using the most recent one. I, myself, can't see how the attached is different from what we are displaying in our banner, but Paytm is still saying we are displaying the wrong one. Can we update with the attached to remove all doubt? They sent them to me this am.
Logos attached.

Paytm_logo (1) (1) (1) (2).png (251×800 px, 6 KB)

Paytm_logo (2) (2).png (251×800 px, 6 KB)

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I obtained further clarification from paytm about the difference in the recent logo:
Hi Evelyn,

It is a very small change, let me outline it clearly, we know we get that a lot, so, giving you exact details :)
On the old logo, you will find "P" has a very slight slant on the logo but the latest one has "P" with the straight-line flat P. As mentioned, very peculiar difference :)
Screenshot here will get your attention, truth to be told, we also had to look very attentive to see the difference :)

@spatton and @Pcoombe as FYI. This might require a banner change too. I'll talk to fr-tech about the payments update

Yeah, looks like this needs updating in banners, too. @scervantes, are you able to take a look at this?

@EMartin Hi! Can you share a link to the specific logo file they sent? I don't know which one of those 2 is the one they want us to implement and honestly I can't see the difference they mention.

Did they send an SVG as well? Or just a PNG. Ideally we want the SVG for faster loading.

I can ask them for an SVG. They didn't provide that. They sent the logos
attached to the task. That's all I have.

Yes please ask for the SVG, as I'm not sure which one of the ones they sent is actually the one they want.

Thank you @scervantes!

@jbolorinos-ctr, could you run a screenshot test on each of these variants, verifying that the bank transfer payment method (with the updated Paytm logo) behaves as expected across devices?

We don't need all the other features of the banner verified, just the payment methods, with particular emphasis on the bank transfer button / new Paytm logo.

Sure @spatton! Will get started on that now, I created this separate QA task for testing these variants - T259262

@scervantes I'll create subtasks there for any bugs I find, and feel free to just reach out if you have any questions!

Change 617785 had a related patch set uploaded (by Ejegg; owner: Ejegg):
[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Nigh-imperceptible update to PayTM logo

Change 617785 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/DonationInterface@master] Nigh-imperceptible update to PayTM logo

Thank you! I will let Paytm know.

Pcoombe claimed this task.

Okay, this has been updated in banners and on donatewiki too. Thanks @scervantes and @jbolorinos-ctr !