Tasks split out from umbrella ticket T260816: VE Dialog on the Test Instance: Sidebar and Dialog layout/behaviour changes
- The puzzle icon to the left of the template name is removed.
- An OOUI ellipsis icon is added to the right
- On click this opens a dropdown menu with three different options: moving the template up or down (currently done in the toolbar at the bottom with expand/collapse icons), and removing the template.
- When removing a template with content, show the same warning message from T260887: Implement unsaved changes warning message.
- When there is only one template in the dialog, hide the moving up/down buttons.
- When multiple templates are there, show both move up and move down buttons but if that specific template can only be moved up or down because of its current order, only enable the usable option/ disable the unusable option.
- Template move up/down buttons move the template in the outline and content panes.
- Not done: the buttons do nothing.
- When a new template is inserted, all required and suggested parameters are automatically added to the main input field (current behavior).
- Remove the trash icon next to the template name in the description/help area.
- Template heading appears with <h4> style
- Partially done: faked out with font-weight: bold.
Note: behavior for adding additional templates remains the same. They are added using the existing template button (puzzle piece) in the bottom left menu bar.
Ellipsis icon: 20x20px and Base20, hover/click area is 50x40px. For size/layout match the VE dropdown menus (ex. Insert menu), from a OOUI word processor toolbar. Up and down arrows are OOUI icons: downTriangle, upTriangle.
Template name styling: H 5