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Revise all UI copy on all Growth's newcomer homepage and task features (help panel, newcomer homepage, newcomer tasks, structured tasks)
Open, MediumPublic


Whilst working on adding AI suggested edit as a different type of editing task for newcomers, some UX writing guidelines were created for writing UI copy and the translator's notes.

Revise the existing copy on all Growth Newcomer homepage and help panel features based on the UX writing recommendations:

    • Decide on who to identify as *leading* the task, human or machine, and (re)write copy accordingly.
    • Provide guardrails and help to ensure there focus on the quality of editing (e.g., providing help tips within guidance)
    • Remove first-person references and the active voice in UI text – the interface is neutral as much as possible to help users focus on the task (instead of wondering who the "we" is in a given help tip)
    • Review QQQ on translatewiki to ensure that translators have up-to-date information and as much context as possible to efficiently and effectively translate our feature copy.
  • Mark when content additional context for translation related to plural and gender. (For example in {T305097#7835719} the field "Select topics" may require different gender versus "Select interests")

Other principles to apply during the audit:

  • Transparency - Show/providing access to info on where AI suggestions come from my help editors decide on the using the suggestions
  • Focus - avoid providing too much info at once, or when not relevant, as this may be distracting. Instead provide info strategically such as in First-time-use contexts.
  • Clarity - details for each field should be written for the layperson, with ample translator's notes
  • Consistent terminology - when referring to different concepts and tools

Event Timeline

kostajh triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 15 2021, 8:07 AM
kostajh moved this task from Incoming to QA on the Growth-Team (Sprint 0 (Growth Team)) board.
kostajh subscribed.

@RHo @MMiller_WMF it seems like this might be done already?

@RHo @MMiller_WMF it seems like this might be done already?

Unfortunately no, but moving to the backlog instead of current.

RHo renamed this task from Revise UI copy on all Growth Newcomer homepage and help panel features to Revise all UI copy on all Growth's newcomer homepage and task features (help panel, newcomer homepage, newcomer tasks, structured tasks).Apr 7 2022, 10:51 AM
RHo updated the task description. (Show Details)