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Move client side translations to the server
Closed, ResolvedPublic


All i18n setup and maintenance will then only require the built in Flask-babel commands.

This will significantly simplify the process of adding new locales and updating text, allowing easier integration into TranslateWiki or other tools.

Event Timeline

NavinoEvans changed Due Date from Oct 16 2020, 11:00 PM to Oct 17 2020, 5:00 PM.

Change 634759 had a related patch set uploaded (by NavinoEvans; owner: NavinoEvans):
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Move client side strings to hidden HTML elements

Change 634760 had a related patch set uploaded (by NavinoEvans; owner: NavinoEvans):
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Cleanup remaining parts of old system

Change 634759 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Move client side strings to hidden HTML elements

Change 634760 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Cleanup remaining parts of old system

NavinoEvans moved this task from Merged to Complete (deployed) on the ISA board.