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Patches against release branches generate coverage that is published to
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See, the footer says:

Generated by php-code-coverage 5.3.2 using PHP 7.2.31-1+0~20200514.41+debian9~1.gbpe2a56b+wmf1 with Xdebug 2.7.0 and PHPUnit 6.5.14 at Thu Dec 31 11:27:48 UTC 2020.

Which is very much outdated, and shows a very old version of the codebase. I eventually understood that it was generated by r652678, a commit against REL1_31 merged today. I believe these should not generate coverage reports, or at least not mixed up with master reports.

Event Timeline

Daimona triaged this task as High priority.EditedDec 31 2020, 1:48 PM
Daimona added a subscriber: Legoktm.

FTR, the outdated reports are going to be generated for lots of repos because LibUp is currently in the process of upgrading some npm dependencies in REL1_31, see and T236071

Krinkle subscribed.

Indeed, these aren't meant to be enabled for non-master commits. I'm pretty sure this was working correctly at some point, but I can see how that's easily missed during refactors as it doesn't look obviously broken when they run by accident.

The job is named mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish, and the zuul config has:

# Only generate coverage information for master
- name: ^.*-coverage-(docker-)?publish$
  branch: master

So...not sure why this isn't working.

Oh, maybe the earlier mutex rule is overriding that?

# For coverage report jobs, we only want one build at a time.
# That is the equivalent of concurrent: false in Jenkins but handled by Zuul
# instead.
- name: mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish
  mutex: mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish

Change 652923 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm; owner: Legoktm):
[integration/config@master] Only run mwext coverage jobs on master patches, really

Change 652923 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] Only run mwext coverage jobs on master patches, really

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2021-01-01T18:26:19Z] <James_F> zuul: Try in a second way to only run mwext coverage jobs on master T270976

Seems Zuul configuration is sensitive to the order in which parameters are applied. Specially applying branch: master via ^.*-coverage-(docker-)?publish$ comes after the job specific rule to set the mutex. To reproduce:

 - name: coverage
   manager: IndependentPipelineManager
   source: gerrit
       gerrit: []
    - name: mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish
      mutex: somemutex
    - name: ^.*-coverage-(docker-)?publish$
      branch: master
    - name: mediawiki/extensions/Foobar
          - mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish


./utils/ zuul-cover.yaml
Configured Pipeline Manager coverage
  Source: <GerritSource connection: gerrit://gerrit>
      <Job mwext-phpunit-coverage-docker-publish> [mutex: somemutex]
                                            [no branch]

So looks like the regex jobs (also known as metajobs) have to come first :(

Change 654213 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar; owner: Hashar):
[integration/config@master] zuul: make coverage publish meta job appear first

Change 654213 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] zuul: make coverage publish meta job appear first

Change 659223 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar; owner: Hashar):
[integration/config@master] zuul: move meta-jobs at the top

Change 659223 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] zuul: move meta-jobs at the top

Moved all the meta jobs definitions (those having a regex) to the top of zuul/layout.yaml . So we are covered in the future.