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Normalize styles in Monobook are coming after the main Monobook styles (<hr> is being hidden [and then shown sometimes])
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For some reason, <hr>, the wikitext four-bar line, seems to being hidden in Javascript and then displayed, at least in Monobook. I am identifying Javascript as the issue since I (unlike the original reporter) get a FOUC in Monobook. (But not in Timeless or Vector.)

Original report: Monobook separator lines have gone invisible.

I assume this is new behavior for this deploy, as the user in question says he has used Monobook for some time.

hr element has height=0 in monobook making it not display

Able to replicate on testwiki, differs if logged in or not logged in:

Event Timeline

Xaosflux added a project: Regression.
Xaosflux updated the task description. (Show Details)
Xaosflux subscribed.

When logged in:

image.png (148×877 px, 14 KB)

When not logged in:

image.png (129×877 px, 13 KB)

Seems there is a lot competing for the height of the hr tag

Doesn't seem to be client side js, as is occurring with safemode; competing styling appears to be in place with both contextbox and an hr @screen directive

For some reason, the normalize styles are being loaded/appended to the main Monobook styles (rather than pre-pended).

Izno renamed this task from <hr> is being hidden and then shown via Javascript (in Monobook) to Normalize styles in Monobook are coming after the main Monobook styles (<hr> is being hidden [and then shown sometimes]).Jan 7 2021, 11:45 PM

@Volker_E or @Jdlrobson would you be able to see see if this is related to T256520 please?

For some reason, <hr>, the wikitext four-bar line, seems to being hidden in Javascript and then displayed, at least in Monobook. I am identifying Javascript as the issue since I (unlike the original reporter) get a FOUC in Monobook. (But not in Timeless or Vector.)

I think this is still happening for me even if the style files are flipped (to prepend normalize), so it's likely a different issue with MonoBook

The problem still exist, see in monobook and vector (2 horisontal lines disappear in monobook).