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[Support Language Team] Agree on expectations and timeline for supporting Language Team in Metrics Platform use
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The Language Team is planning on working instrumentation in the next month for T281973. Per conversations with Neil and Pau, they plan to use the new Metrics Platform (client libraries), which will feed data to the Event Platform.

  • Engineering sync with Neil, Pau (PM), and Engineering Lead (Niklas or Santhosh) to discuss expectations, timeline, and next steps

Event Timeline

kzimmerman triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 22 2021, 6:18 PM
kzimmerman moved this task from To Do to Doing on the Better Use Of Data board.
LGoto lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Mar 24 2021, 6:10 PM

I've reached out to Neil and Pau via email, and said that we want to be available for things like code reviews and debugging if Language runs into issues with the metrics platform.

Language's next planning session is April 6, and if the schema is ready on their side, they'll plan to begin development in April. It sounds like we can move this to the backlog until April.

kzimmerman added subscribers: DAbad, nshahquinn-wmf.

@nshahquinn-wmf is talking with @jlinehan, @Mholloway, and @DAbad as needed, this task isn't adding much information