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Links to specific sections within an article don't lead to the correct section when navigated to from other articles within the app
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From OTRS:;TicketID=11822418

I’ve noticed that the mobile app supports links that are redirects to sections. That’s great, although the Table of Contents displays the redirect page title at the top, which is bewildering—but not the main issue I’m reporting.
“Pipe links” to specific sections within other articles just link to the top of the other article. That seems unfortunate since these are used in some specific cases.

I’m using version 6.8.1 (1815) of the app on iOS 14.6 (18F72).

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Jun 1 2021, 6:16 PM
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Looks good to me on 7.1.0 (2024)

JTannerWMF claimed this task.