Name for main point of contact and contact preference
Virginia Poundstone via phab task comment/slack
What teams or departments is this for?
Platform Engineering (API Value Stream)
What are the details of your request? Include relevant timelines or deadlines
We need to create a dashboard to compare the requests made per endpoint for the following APIs:
- MediaWiki Action API
- MediaWiki REST API
- Wikimedia REST API
- T329907: [REQUEST] Analysis of available data on clients calling individual services through RESTbase captured preliminary data from RESTbase about who the clients are
It would be a great starting point to see the following available data per endpoint:
- user_agent
- user_agent_map
- access_method
- ip
- HTTP Method
- HTTP Status
- URI Path
- URI Query
- Content Type
- Response Size
Data Analysis goal:
Define the major "buckets" or types of client callers so we can design an API Architecture with their use cases in mind.
A secondary goal is to determine what services are used the most to the least and by whom, for what purpose and how much.
How will you use this data or analysis?
This data will help inform:
- Product decisions based on current API usage
- What endpoints we prioritize to maintain and enhance
Is this request urgent or time-sensitive?
It supports our ongoing work, until we have this data, we are making decisions based on guesses. THat said, this feels urgent, but is not technically blocking us.