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Implement new My Library UI
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To reach our MVP we need to combine the new header and collections tiles with a rearrangement of the current My Library layout. This page will be the new my_library destination; the intermediary page (the current homepage, future /home page) should remain in place.


Acceptance criteria

  • The numbers next to My Collections and Available Collections should reflect how many collections are listed in each category.
  • Clicking My Collections and Available Collections should switch between collections the user is authorized for (and expired authorizations) and all other available collections.
    • This should take streams into account - if a user has access to Springer Nature (SpringerLink), Springer Nature should still show in Available Collections because there’s another stream (Nature) that they don’t have access to.
  • Selecting a language or subject from the dropdown menu should immediately filter the collections via javascript.
  • Expired authorizations in My Collections or Favourites should move below a line at the bottom of the list. (Frame 75)
  • Mobile version
    • Clicking the hamburger menu should slide the filters out from the side. The panel can fill the vertical space of the screen but should retain ~20% of the background on the right hand side to indicate this is on top of other content. (Frame 81)
    • All other behaviour should match the desktop experience.

Event Timeline

The pr for collection tiles has been merged.

@Samwalton9, quick question, do these info icons show anything?

Screen Shot 2021-07-26 at 19.15.25.png (150×390 px, 10 KB)

Oh thanks for the reminder. I'm going to document those in T285675 because they're not part of the MVP (make sure you're looking at Frame 76 in Figma).