Across all languages, Wikipedia articles created with Content Translation are deleted less often than those created from scratch. For example, in 2020, 3% of new translations were deleted, compared to 12% of other new articles. However, this is not the case for all Wikipedias and some specific wikis have a higher deletion rate for translations. For example, for Indonesian (T219851#5914691) and Telugu (T244769) the deletion ratios for Content Translation were higher compared to other articles created in these wikis. These cases can be addressed by adjusting the translation limits, but we don't have a systematic way to identify such cases until editors report them. Currently we have been using this query to compare the deletion ratios on specific wikis, but checking individual wikis does not provide the whole picture.
This ticket proposes to measure the number of wikis where the deletion rate of translations is higher than the deletion rate for articles created with other tools (excluding bots and focused on main namespace), and list them. The measurement should capture a long-enough period of time to allow for editors to review content and avoid seasonality.
As we make improvements that encourage the creation of better content, we'd like to see the evolution of the deletion rates and how they compare with the deletion rate for regular articles we use as a baseline. For example, finding that by the end of 2021, the number of wikis where translations are deleted more often than other articles was reduced by X% compared to the situation in 2020. In addition, we want to be able to identify which are the wikis with issues and how severe those are in order to communicate with them and/or adjust the MT limits based on the data.
Base don that, these are questions we want to answer:
- How many wikis have translations deleted more often than regular articles?
- Has the number of those wikis reduced compared to the previous period?
- Which are these wikis?
- How high is the highest deletion ratio a wiki has for translations?