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Make edit history clickable
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the new Beta version of Wikipedia we exposed edit history at the bottom of the page with the intention to release this change to production.

This task is to make the edit history clickable and take them to the diff.

WhatsApp Image 2021-07-28 at 5.35.41 PM.jpeg (1×738 px, 44 KB)

Event Timeline

JTannerWMF renamed this task from Make edit history clicakble to Make edit history clickable.Jul 28 2021, 4:40 PM
JTannerWMF triaged this task as Low priority.

Commented on tap target size in T274836 but will move this one forward.

ABorbaWMF subscribed.

Looking pretty good on 2.7.50371-beta-2021-08-10

There is some cutoff text as mentioned in other tickets, but the history appears to be present and complete

Screenshot_20210812-095155.jpg (2×1 px, 336 KB)