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Expose last time a Talk Page has been edited
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As an Android App user
I want to see the last time a subject has been edited on the summary Talk Page

Feedback from @ppelberg

Page to add last edit date and time

Screenshot_20210215-204720.png (2×1 px, 57 KB)

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Feb 16 2021, 5:36 PM
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Product Backlog on the Wikipedia-Android-App-Backlog board.

Can the person that looks at this add some images of the behavior on other platforms

Mobile web:

talk_mobile.jpg (908×1 px, 99 KB)

talk_desktop.jpg (570×1 px, 91 KB)

For the talk page list page in the app, it has a "New topic" button on the bottom-right side, which the button may overlap with the "last edit time" if we add it to the bottom of the page.

Any thoughts? @schoenbaechler and @JTannerWMF

Hi @cooltey, we’re going to significantly update user and article talk pages in Q2 21/22. But if you feel like it, here’s a quick mock that illustrates how the two elements can work together:

T274836.png (1×720 px, 50 KB)


Thanks @schoenbaechler

Would it be possible to change the format "X days/weeks/months ago" to a straightforward date format like "17 February 2021, at 00:25 (UTC)", since this layout will be replaced/updated soon?

Screenshot_20210610-175111_Wikipedia Dev.jpg (2×1 px, 254 KB)

The screenshot here only shows the diff base on "weeks". If we like to show diff on "years", "days" or "months", we will need to add the strings to translate wiki and will also need to consider the RTL languages settings.

Sounds good to me @cooltey, thanks for working on this! 👍

Feedback from @ppelberg

Thank you for the ping, @JTannerWMF. A question for you/y'all below...


I want to see the last time a subject has been edited on the summary Talk Page

Assuming the goal of this task is to help people assess the activity within particular subjects/conversations, what's leading y'all to consider exposing the last time any part of the page was edited?

For context: the Editing Team is also thinking about what could be done to help people more quickly and easily understand the activity within particular conversations. The way we're approaching this is by exposing conversation-specific metadata [i]. More context in T269950. You can also try an *early* prototype of this functionality on desktop here:

i. E.g. when the latest comment was posted within the topic, the total number of comments posted within the topic, the total number of unique people who have posted a comment within a topi, etc.

@cooltey it seems like the minimum tap target size does not suffice for this. I think it’d be best if the grey background is simply 48dp high to guarantee its accessibility.