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Deploy prototype API
Closed, InvalidPublic13 Estimated Story Points



Our example node API should get promoted to the staging environment.

Acceptance Criteria
  • Document the process on how to deploy to staging kubernetes and staging API gateway
  • API is hosted on the staging instance of the staging cluster of kubernetes
  • API is accessible via the staging instance of the API gateway

Event Timeline

Wikimedia production services shouldn't be run in Toolforge/cloudVPS, its meant as a non-prod environment for quick iteration. I would suggest we echo this in our guidelines:

  1. Develop and deploy non-prod/iterative api on cloud services
  2. Once ready for production (releng agreed there was ambiguity with what that actually means) deploy to k8s

Security team chimed in to say that there already exists production-ish services on cloud services. but that they really would prefer that not to be a thing anymore (security wise)~~

sdkim set the point value for this task to 13.
sdkim added a subscriber: hnowlan.

@hnowlan As I understand it today, the deployment to staging k8 I understand that typically SRE would need to +2. Is there anything in your mind that we could incorporate as a check to get this be more automated and less manual?

@hnowlan As I understand it today, the deployment to staging k8 I understand that typically SRE would need to +2. Is there anything in your mind that we could incorporate as a check to get this be more automated and less manual?

At the moment anyone with deployment privileges should be able to +2 changes on the deployment-charts repo and deploy the changes. That's still a smaller group but widens it significantly beyond SRE - I wouldn't really think there'd be much wiggle room beyond that, but the correct process would be to get people who wish to deploy into the deployers groups instead

If I'm understanding,access correctly, then membership in the wmf-deployment group is sufficient.

I have that, as do a few other members of Platform Team (Cindy, Daniel, Eric, Petr, Tim).,members

We should probably get at least Nikki added. Pretty sure a manager is supposed to make the request. Here's the task where Will had it added for me:
T253640: Requesting access to deployment rights for BPirkle

Change 735717 had a related patch set uploaded (by WQuarshie; author: WQuarshie):

[mediawiki/services/example-node-api@master] CI configurations for deployment

Change 735717 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/services/example-node-api@master] CI configurations for deployment

Change 736012 had a related patch set uploaded (by WQuarshie; author: WQuarshie):

[integration/config@master] CI configuration configuration for rehearse and publish variants for the example-node-api

Change 736012 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/config@master] jjb, Zuul: [mediawiki/services/example-node-api] Add rehearse, publish steps

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2021-11-03T14:48:33Z] <James_F> Zuul: [mediawiki/services/example-node-api] Add rehearse, publish steps T288134

Change 737415 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nikki Nikkhoui; author: Nikki Nikkhoui):

[integration/config@master] Remove publish step

Change 737415 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/config@master] Zuul: [mediawiki/services/example-node-api] Skip the publish step for now

Change 737486 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nikki Nikkhoui; author: Nikki Nikkhoui):

[integration/config@master] Zuul: [mediawiki/services/example-node-api] Skip rehearse step for now

Change 737486 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/config@master] Zuul: [mediawiki/services/example-node-api] Skip rehearse step for now

@Atieno to check in with Wendy for update on this

DAbad moved this task from Backlog to Needs Grooming on the API Platform board.
DAbad added a subscriber: codebug.

Still needs to be wrapped up. Open.