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Remove autopatroller from sysop toolkit on English Wikipedia
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A recent RfC on the English Wikipedia found consensus to remove the autopatroller right from the default administrator toolkit. As such the configuration settings should be changed to reflect that.

Event Timeline

@Wugapodes: I see you've assigned this task to you, so do you intend to do this task in Gerrit or are you waiting for a developer to do this?

Change 743646 had a related patch set uploaded (by Wugapodes; author: Wugapodes):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Enwiki config: remove autopatrol from sysop

@Juan90264 I just submitted a patch, but don't have +2 on that branch so I'd need someone to merge and deploy if everything checks out

@Juan90264 I just submitted a patch, but don't have +2 on that branch so I'd need someone to merge and deploy if everything checks out

Okay then.

@Juan90264 I just submitted a patch, but don't have +2 on that branch so I'd need someone to merge and deploy if everything checks out

Changes to the mediawiki-config repo need to be deployed via a special process: Let me know if you need any help/support for that.

This is all new to me so apologies for the newbie questions/thinking I am about to do. I know that @Seddon has offered to help some on the technical side. I am not sure if others will be necessary to help Wug implement this patch. Beyond that, I want to avoid a possible chicken/egg scenario here. There is a desire among those discussing this on enwiki to be strategic about the change, that is to do some work to make sure people know ahead of time the change is coming. So just how much control is there over timing? Do we have the people in place that we could identify a specific backport window and go from there? If not what else might need to be done for that to happen? Thanks for the expertise and assistance already offered by others here.

Technically speaking the patch Wug uploaded to Gerrit looks fine and can be deployed on any backport window (see the calendar, usually Mon-Thu at 12 UTC, 19 UTC and 00 UTC). Any of you can do it or if you'd prefer someone familiar with the process (such as me) can get it deployed for you.

Timing-wise the main thing to be aware right now is the upcoming holidays, according to this wikitech page there will be no regular deployment windows between December 20th and January 3rd, 2022.

Xaosflux subscribed.

While this configuration has been improved, the timing of the implementation is still under discussion: adding community-block until resolved

We have now attempted to alert admins to this change and indicated in the message (which @Xaosflux agreed should be sent) that the change would go live the week of December 13. @Seddon is it possible to get your help with a slot sometime that week?

Just noting my surprise that this is so complicated and creating such a challenge.

Just noting my surprise that this is so complicated and creating such a challenge.

Huh? So far this task has been blocked on enwiki folks figuring out when to deploy it, not on the technical process to get it done. As I've said before, we have 12 scheduled windows each week where such config changes can be deployed using a relatively simple process and people experienced with the process (myself included) have offered to get it done for you or provide any other needed assistance.

@Majavah as noted above the community block has been resolved. I agree with you that this is pretty straightforward technically (and even operationally on enwiki).

Change 743646 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Enwiki config: remove autopatrol from sysop

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-12-16T19:23:14Z] <catrope@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Config: [[gerrit:743646|Enwiki config: remove autopatrol from sysop (T297058)]] (duration: 01m 06s)

Deployed, tested, resolved. I created a page and it wasn't reviewed, so everything seems to be working as intended. Thanks everyone for the teamwork!