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FTR: Provide for asynchronously-available MediaWiki parser content fragments / components
Open, Needs TriagePublic


[WIP for now; advice and input welcome]

Request Status: New Request
Request Type: project support request
Related OKRs:

Request Title: Platform support for asynchronous MediaWiki parser content fragments

  • Request Description: Platform team engagement with the design and implementation of changes coming out of the associated TDMP item. This will is to give MediaWiki the functionality to render content fragments asynchronously and combining/compositing them later.
  • Indicate Priority Level: High
  • Main Requestors: Abstract Wikipedia team
  • Ideal Delivery Date: Jan–Jun 2022
  • Stakeholders:
    • Abstract Wikipedia team (customer/driver; critical for Wikifunctions cross-wiki availability in 2022)
    • Content Transform team (co-partner/parsing pipeline owner)
    • Technology Decision Forum (stakeholders at large)

Request Documentation

Document TypeRequired?Document/Link
Related PHAB TicketsYesT282585: TDMP DR: Provide for asynchronously-available MediaWiki parser content fragments / components
Product One PagerYes<add link here>
Product Requirements Document (PRD)Yes<add link here>
Product RoadmapNo<add link here>
Product Planning/Business CaseNo<add link here>
Product BriefNo<add link here>
Other LinksNo<add links here>

Event Timeline

January 19, 2022 Tech Steering Committee:

  • Greg G. - read on this is may be coupled to the SEO work
  • Involved teams: traffic, performance, PET? (if mediawiki changes needed)
  • Kate C: the path they take is going to impact what path they are going to take

Action Items:

For product UX and as an expectation for mobile user agent constraints especially (but it applies on classic desktop, too), I have the expectation that we won't have jarring FOUCs or other layout shifts as part of the page load and reading experience as a consequence of this. @greg cool?

I think if I've heard correctly there may be some interest in a generalized solution that can service the needs of multiple use cases (e.g., things that are like site notice or other sorts of banners, as well as the content). Is that right?

I think if I've heard correctly there may be some interest in a generalized solution that can service the needs of multiple use cases (e.g., things that are like site notice or other sorts of banners, as well as the content). Is that right?

Please keep comments about the general solution on the central TDMP task, not this task which is about Platform's resourcing of the implementation.