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Wikipedia app confused language variant with language codes with hyphen
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Wikipedia app version 2.7.50388-r-2021-12-02 on Android 11
App language setting: 1. zh-yue, 2. zh-hk, 3. zh-hant, 4. ja, 5. en, 6. simple, 7. zh-classical

Steps to reproduce

  1. Go to the app's search bar, select the "zh-hk" language variant, type "1", click into the "1" article

1.a. ALTERNATIVELY, open Chinese Wikipedia Article on the Arabic Numeral "1" from external browser, and choose to open the page using Wikipedia app
1.b. ALTERNATIVELY, read English Wikipedia article on the Arabic numeral "1", and then use the "language" button to try to switch to "zh-hk" language of the page

Expected behavior

All three methods should bring up the Chinese Wikipedia page on article "1", in zh-hk language variant

Actual behavior

The page on "1" from zh-yue, aka Cantonese Wikipedia, is being displayed instead

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