Allow contributors and readers to share a Wiki story.
Reader- are able to share with others across other platforms.
Contributor- are able to share the stories they create across other platforms
Description/User story
As a wikistory editor on idwiki,
I want to share a wiki story that I've created
So that readers can discover content in form of stories available on Wikipedia.
As a wikistory reader on idwiki,
I want to share a wiki story,
So that other readers can discover content in form of stories available on Wikipedia.
As a recipient of a wikistory shared link,
I want to view the link that I have received,
So that I can consume content in form of stories available on Wikipedia.
Story Editor Sharing a Story
- After the story editor hits the 'Publish' button, existing loading spinner appears while the story is being processed for publishing.
- Once the publishing process is complete, the spinner disappears and is replaced with a 'Story Published' confirmation screen.
- Along with the confirmation message, editor will see option of reading a story or sharing a story.
- Tapping the reading option would take them to the story viewer.
- Tapping the share button opens a dialog with various sharing options (like social media platforms, copy link, etc.)
- The editor can select an option to share the story.
Story Reader Sharing a Story
- A visible "Share" icon should be included on each story's page.
- Tapping the share button opens a dialog with various sharing options (like social media platforms, copy link, etc.)
- The editor can select an option to share the story.
Story Recipient's Share Flow
- When a recipient clicks on a shared story link, they are directed to the story viewer.
- A story preview, including the title, lead image, should be generated when the story's link is shared on social media platforms or messaging apps that support link previews.
- They'll experience a basic version of the story which won't include the following items - 'close icon', 'edit' option inside overflow menu, and 'Read more' page which appears at the end of the story.
Error handling
- If a user tries to access a story that doesn't exist or has been deleted, an error message should be displayed stating, "The Wikistory you're trying to access does not exist".
- Server or connection issues - If there are server-side issues while sharing a story, display a message saying "Something went wrong, please try again later".
Note: Initially, we will be implementing a basic version of the sharing feature that allows the sharing of story links.
Acceptance Criteria
- There should be a CTA to share the link. This should invoke the mobile device's share function.
- There should be a CTA to copy the link to the story
Test Scenarios
- After publishing a story, there should be a section that intuitively shows the Wikistory link, with some text to explain this easily.
- The user should see an indication to copy the link.
- The user should see an indication to share the link using a mobile's Share function.
- If a user is on the desktop view, clicking on the link as a reader should open the Wikipage in mobile browser view.
- Anon users should be able to click and view a wiki story
Open questions
a) To what extent do anon readers view a shared story? What will their experience be like:
- on the story viewer?
- or on a "vanilla/ plain" viewer?
- which CTAs should we show or not show? feedback/ edit/ create/ further share
b) Community feedback: curation and editing burden [office hours topic]
- Since the last discussion, moderation features on wikistories have been included to mitigate editorial burden
- The community still feels the feature needs to remain in beta but still be able to share wikistories.
c) Legal, Branding and Communications
d) Stories wouldn't be seen as social media preview is influenced by the independent platforms.
Tech notes
To share some text, or a file, or a URL on mobile, we can use the browser's share api. It opens up the native share dialog. It does nothing on desktop.
Additional notes
- Journey of the person sharing
Creator: share option after publishing; while you are viewing(reader) the output of your story
Reader: share option after reading.
- Journey of the person receiving
Currently: shows entire article then the user has to click show the story viewer
Option 1: story viewer (loads the article then loads the viewer- slow)
Option 2: story page
Option 3: new page that shows the story preview, then loads the story viewer. At the end of the story,
- add a link back to the article/ redirect to the article [if there are no other stories to display for this article]
- options to see other stories in the article.
- OR special web page for other stories
- OR create a wiki story
- visual brand identity showing the origin (wikipedia), link to the article